Six quick basics for optimizing your business blog for SEO

SEO Blog TipsSo you’re ready to take advantage of a blogging platform to help with optimizing search engine results for your business website. This is a great move and can pay off big, but don’t just dive in without any thought at all.

You don’t have to be an expert right off the bat, but understanding a few easy basics will go a long way in pulling the type of SEO results you are looking for.

These six SEO friendly approaches will help you get your footing and will lay a foundation for your SEO success.

Produce high quality, original content

Research is a key part of any writing. However, be original with your content. A copy and paste job isn’t going to get you what you want in terms of SEO. Google’s algorithm for SEO gets smarter and more intuitive every day. If you are short-cutting in an attempt to take advantage of SEO, Google crawl bots will know. If your content lacks in quality, the bots will find you out.

Keyword emphasis and focus, not keyword saturation

It used to be you could stuff keywords in your website and you were good to go. It was all about quantity. That’s not the case anymore. Focusing on keywords is still good practice, but it needs to come inside an an organic form of writing. Focus on the key point you’re trying to get across and let your keywords and keyword phrases come naturally. Example: Learning proper techniques with exercise will “help you stay fit and healthy.” Again, focus on quality.

Great post headlines

Spend a little time to come up with a great headline for your post. It doesn’t always have to be clever, or play on words in some funny way. However, focus on your keywords phrases and think about what you want to get across. Example: We’ll show you “how to bake a chocolate cake” that tastes great.

Consistent posts

Write on a consistent longterm schedule. Writing one blog every other week is better than writing four blogs in two days and not posting again for two months. Remember, Google is always crawling the web, and if it sees you are active and regular with new content, it’s a plus for you.

Network via social media

Social media will help you spread the word about your posts. Sharing your content will also help push traffic to your website and this activity will be a boost for your website SEO.

You can’t shortcut your way there

In summary, the digital world is becoming a more intuitive and evergreen place to hang out. Don’t expect a silver-bullet answer to SEO. You’re not fixing a transmission on a car. You’re building a competitive platform and network to reach your audience so you can communicate your message and educate on your products or services. You need to invest in this longterm process. And if you do — and do it the right way — it’s an investment that will pay off.

Have questions about search engine optimization, or how you can make a better impression in the digital world? We’d be happy to provide a free assessment of your online situation. Just get in touch! And be sure to SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER HERE!